Evangelize with love

God made him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV)

Evangelize with love

Once I attended a Bible study class, and I checked the book of Genesis on the same day. After the class, the Heavenly Father came to me and said to me:
“My Child! When I created the heaven and the earth, everything was good. By faith, I created light, created all things, and created mankind in my own image, but mankind lived in sin, which distorted the good intentions when I created them, so I regret creating people.

Because they only looked like us on the outside, their hearts and actions were shrouded in darkness and sin. I could not bear them to live in sin and went to death. Therefore, I sent Light – Jesus – my beloved Son to save mankind, to drive away the darkness for them and washed away their sins.
I made Jesus, the sinless, to be punished for human’s sins, so that in him human might become the righteousness of God.
That’s my love for human being, and that’s why Jesus became the sin offering, through Jesus human can recognize me as Father, and call me Abba Father or Heavenly Father.

My Children! This is the gospel. Jesus bore the sins of everyone and died, then resurrected, conquering death and sin. Only if you believe in Jesus and confess Jesus as Lord, you can enter eternal life.
This is the gospel! Share it with your loved ones, family, and friends, and tell them that there is an invisible Father who is waiting for you to repent, return to Him, and realize it by believing in Jesus as Lord. My Spirit is the Holy Spirit will lead you to transform. When you receive my love, you will be saved by grace.

Lost people! My love for you is so deep, I draw you with loving-kindness, even when the world disappears, my loving-kindness will not change. Come back to my embrace! Don’t be lost anymore, only in me, only by my side will there be peace and joy, and with me, you can receive the protection you deserve. I love you, put your trust in Jesus- my beloved Son! Whoever seeks me will find me!”

The angels praised: “My Lord almighty gave his beloved Son to the world,
Love never fails! God’s love will never end!”

The Lord loves you! God loves the world, Amen!


Published by

Elena Yaling Chen

The Lord Jesus loves to talk to those who believe in Him, and He wants to be part of your life so that you can be transformed by Him and become a holy vessel available to God. Seek Him more, make time for yourself to be quiet, pour out all the good and bad in your life to Him, and He will comfort your hearts through the Holy Spirit. My purpose is to encourage you to seek the Lord Jesus.

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